Environmental Sustainability: Research Growth and Trends

2021 is a new decade that barely enjoys a moment of peace from 2020’s intense activism, financial losses, and sweeping harsh government policies designed to force zero-spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus as much as possible. A large number of CEOs, policymakers, and buyers realize have surprisingly accepted the new landscape as if the hope will be based on demonstrating prioritization of increasing social and ecological protection, especially in the benefits they offer to protect against further disease and further loss of resources and the blundering of our present system into complete collapse.  


For the first time in a century of industry, we now see organizations non-resistant to solving the world's difficulties by changing their own processes.   If so, this offers the opportunity to open doors in every nation for very new and unprecedented developments, including in what defines a market share with long-term sustainability rewards, support of green-innovations, and investment that is dedicated to preventing climate change in word and action. 



The World Economic Forum's Davos Manifesto, agrees, “a bunch of moral standards [are needed] to manage organizations in the age of the Fourth Industrial Revolution." 


Increasing numbers of publications put the call for environmental and social sustainability on the top of the agenda such as the World Economic Form of 2020 (#WEF20) , trends that will bring more business in 2021.


Responsible leaders carry the responsivity of driving actions for Sustainable Development Goals

It will take 10 years to reach the 2030 goal set by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The current lifestyle is unsustainable , and beyond the limits of capacity of the earth terrestrial survival.  A compromise is needed, so that we change without hurting ourselves further. This means, we must ask ourselves, ‘What have we learnt?’ and to think about our choices and goals.

Business plays a crucial part of the lessons , particularly in the last century which triggered much of the short-chang of environmental stability we took for granted.   Industrial business ventures impact the environment very greatly where there are no circular re-use policies. 

Converting sustainability strategy to transformation is important. 

Incorporating sustainability decision making into outcomes for corporate strategy is important to address the impacts on local environments, not just its competitiveness. Some people hardly know that the products or services they use are deleterious to the environment. 

Sustainable finance is the main subject. 

Stakeholders finally accept the need to shift from short-term goals to long-term, and that this requires “sustainable capital”, a term that qualifies risk-return paradigm based on how much benefit to sustainability every simple investment capital brings to the environment. 

China to green the global economy.

The European countries and the US countries cannot take significant initiatives without taking help from China. China is the second-largest contributor to the United Nations and it needs to join the green targets particularly in its industrial exploits that have significantly damaged local air quality to impossible breathing states of deterioration.


The next generation is expected to influence family enterprises and this is a huge boost to the increased social-environmental sustainable success

We know that majority businesses globally are in fact, family enterprises. As such, they contribute to two-thirds of the global GDP and reliable income and work in the long-term market. Therefore, such enterprises play a considerable role in addressing some of the most trending challenges faced by the world. 

Corporate Digital Responsibility (CDR) to bring together sustainability and digitization 

The rise of Corporate Digital Responsibility (CDR) focuses on using digital technologies to promote ethical and sustainable business strategies. 

Social digital responsibility including organizations' practices revolves around the privacy of customers and employees and certain aspects of digital diversity and inclusion.  This is visible in new government actions on behalf of correcting gross bias in artificial intelligence (AI).  More needs to be done to prevent abuse of AI in which multiple drugs are generated with ideal clinical trial successes for targeted healthy members of the population but which are not necessary and which present environmental risks that are not included in clinical trials by private manufacturing pharmaceutical investments.


Change in habits of the fashion and luxury goods industry 

Part of the current lifestyle includes the fashion industry which is responsible for 10% of greenhouse emissions. It is not the most conductive to disease outbreaks but it compromises resources that are essential for sustainability, particularly in its extremes of plastic, toxic dyes and savage consumption of animals solely for disposable very short-term products.  As the number of customers of this industry grows, so too the impact of the industry on the environment and risk of damage to ecological diversity. Burberry for example, burnt a large stock of its unsold clothes in 2017 due to which this brand had to face a serious backlash.  To this day, more needs to be done by major fashion and cosmetic brands and their magazine-related promoters to stop promoting an unsustainable lifestyle. 

We target the most immediate and important sources of outbreak disease threats. 

Ask us to outline examples in your organization.

We provide training and monitoring, as well as certification so that results are visible within 100 days.

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Why all businesses must embrace environmental and social sustainability


Green Deal: the key to a climate-neutral and sustainable EU and US